Benefits of Irish Seamoss
Boosts Immunity
Boosts Energy
Dissolves Mucus
Digestive Health
Weight Loss
Thyroid Health
Eczema, Acne, Burns, Rashes
Nourishes Skin
Supports sex drive
Strengthens bones and connective tissue
Muscle recovery
Antioxidant & Antiviral
DISCLAIMER: Any health related information on this site are not meant as a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, advice. Information on this site should not be used as a substitute for, professional counseling care, advice, treatment, or diagnosis. If you have any questions or concerns about your health, you should always consult your primary physician or other health-care professional.
Email a picture of yourself with any of our products and/or email testimonial for a $5 coupon toward your next purchase!
Vegan Seamoss Gummies
Vegan Apple Cinnamon Seamoss Gummies!!
Who We Are
My name is Alisa Jenkins and I am the Owner and Founder of Aqua's Seamoss. I was born and raised in Sacramento, California, but now reside right outside of Dallas, Texas. After the passing of my late mother, Aqua Jenkins, in April of 2020 I began a health journey in her honor. My mother was an amazing, strong woman. She was a Breast Cancer and Lupus survivor and a true definition of a warrior.
I began consuming and using Irish Seamoss for myself consistently and noticed the different in my energy levels, the clarity of my skin and an overall boost in how I felt daily. My goal is to share the amazing benefits of Irish Seamoss and get my customers on a journey to a healthier lifestyle. At the end of the day my mission is for everyone to Think Health!!
Add a Testimonial
My mission is for everyone to Think Health!! Please share your testimonial about what Seamoss has done for you!